Friday, February 15, 2008

Knit one, then another

I'm still working through Cat Bordhi's book - making socks. Although I think these are very cute, they are probably sized for a small newborn or preemie. I'm also trying to make a swatch a week both to practice my knitting as well as to try different patterns.

Living consciously...

At the various crossroads of life, we choose. Which choices were made with the heart, which with reason? It's an interesting exercise and understand how we go about making choices may help the journey in the future. But I also think that there is a danger in second guessing the choices that have brought us to this moment. Learning from mistakes made is one thing - obsessing that I could of, should of taken a different path is not going to help me get where I want to go.

I've been postponing reading Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth but I'm going to try and get most of it read over the weekend. I'm still going to be doing the daily thing with Gay Hendrick's A Year of Living Consciously. - hopefully he'll get beyond the fixation with the past.

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