Sunday, February 17, 2008

Sunny day...

Not much happening in the studio on this sunny day. I did take a few minutes to 'felt' the small bag I finished knitting yesterday. It was so small that I just couldn't justify using the washer. It took me about twenty minutes with lots of soap and hot water to bring it to about three inches wide.

Living consciously...

An interesting practice for the day - feel your feelings. Actually, there is a little more to it... be aware of what you are feeling but don't let it interfere with how you move through the day.


Terri Stegmiller said...

Cute felted bag!

Carol said...

Kim, to fet this bag did you just rub it??? My sister has taken up knitting and was just asking me about felting, and i wasn't sure, I knew it was soap and friction but is it as easy as just rubbing it?????

Digitalgran said...

I have never fleted anything after knitting it. The beads are showing up well, very successful.

jenclair said...

It felted so nicely! The beads are great, too.