Thursday, March 06, 2008

Post Office... check.

I finally made it to the post office to mail Emmy's mandala and (late) birthday postcards to Mags & Lynda!

It was a gorgeous day out - sun, daffodils blooming, birds chirping - I don't know where the day went but it was lovely.

Living consciously...

Hendricks talks of finding time in the day to find your essence - that part of you that is free, clear and uncluttered with the learning processes of life. He suggests listening to classical music (he's partial to Pachelbel's Canon.) I'm so with him until he says lie there and visualize your birth. I don't think so.

Now that I've started reading Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth, (I like his writing and voice so much better!) it's going to be difficult to keep the two separate in my daily notes. But maybe this was suppose to happen! Reading Hendricks while embracing Tolle's ideas may be just what I need to step out of egoic consciousness and be able to perceive in a background of stillness.

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