Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Week 02 - Epiphany

wk 02-10

I am clearly exercising my procrastination skills today. I had planned to take the ornaments and lights off the Christmas tree. We put the tree up on Christmas Eve Eve and I thought it would be nice to leave it up until the Epiphany. I really enjoy the lights in the evening... maybe I should just wrap a couple of bare tree branches with lights and set it up in the corner of the room. Instead of taking down the tree, I did some reading about the Epiphany. After I read that on the feast of the Epiphany priest would use chalk to write the initials of the three Magi over the doors of homes, I got an idea for my weekly (certainly fits in with my goal to look into more.) - CMB, the initals of the three wisemen: Caspar, Melchoir and Balthasar, and also of the phrase Christus mansionem benedicat (may Christ bless this house.)


I also got the binding on 'now,now,now' but have decided that it is not done. There are a few areas where I want to add some additional embellishment. It'll happen, but, now, that I've gotten it this far it will be a work-on-it-while-I-watch-TV activity (low priority.)


Kay said...

I had a hard time fighting the urge to procrastinate with the tree too, but I did it. The bare tree is still there until tonight though. Can't win.

The Now,now,now piece is going to be great when finished. It must be a good way to remember the year.

Debra Dixon said...

Your Now piece is definitely interesting and I could see you working on adding trinkets and such indefinitely.

Deb Geyer said...

A friend of mine had a ficus tree in the living room that she wrapped with white Christmas lights and left up all year. It was wonderful all lit up at night!