My page from Mags arrived today - isn't it wonderful? I love the combination of stitched and stamped paper with the fabric mask image. The "sticks" are rolled papers with embroidery strands. I love the design, colors, and balance of the piece. It's just perfect, Mags!
She also include some yummy strands of decorative threads... lovely treasures.
I think I've got my FiberArt Goals for 2008...
Working on the list I was feeling a little overwhelmed but I kept telling myself that the list was for the whole year!
1. Journal Quilts & Take it Further Challenge
I'm participating in SharonB's Take it Further Challenge this year. The challenge will run all year and aims to apply textile technique skills to design. I'm not yet sure how I will explore the challenge for each month but I am committed to have a Journal Quilt as the final design project.
2. Weekly collage & Figments
A few weeks ago I decided on the following words for the monthly themes for my weekly collage quilts - Transition, Gratitude, Simplicity, Authenticity, Order, Contentment, Harmony, Transformation, Beauty, Remembrance, Acceptance, Joy (in order January through December, respectfully.) I have decided not to finish the edges and not set a predetermined size. My goal is to "reuse" the weekly pieces in other projects throughout the year (or years to come!)
Each week I am also planning to work on figments - (by definition: something invented, made up or fabricated) and collect them in a sketchbook (a la Kay Greenlees). I've been wanting to be more disciplined and get in the habit of recording my ideas and technique samples. This year is as good as any!
3. Quilting projects
This year I'm going to make at least six pieces that are larger than six square feet. I haven't worked out the specifics yet except the first piece "Icarus," scheduled for completion by the end of Feb.
4. Swaps & local quilt/textile groups
Finish the swaps I'm currently committed to: Swap pages (Jan, Feb) & Birthday postcards (Feb-2,Mar-1,Apr-1,Jun-1,Aug-1) and participate in a select few throughout the year.
Locally, I've committed, each month, to explore a textile techniques with a group of fiber artist... should be lots of fun and hours of work.
5. PIF & gifts
I'm planning to make gifts for family and friends this year, primarily for birthdays and Christmas. I am determined to start and finish early!!!!
PIF: I like the idea of Pay it Forward so I'm planning on offering a PIF again in the fall of 2008. I also need to complete and mail 2007 PIF.
6. WIP: TAST & UFO's
The dreaded unfinished! This year, I'm committed to finishing the unfinished or moving it on! I still want to finish TAST. The rest... look at, make a decision and take action. I'm planning to have this all resolved before summer.
7. Misc projects: art dolls, fabric journals, mixed media projects
Art Dolls and fabric journals have been on various lists of mine throughout the years. I'm setting a goal this year to do five each.
Mixed Media projects - I enjoy the "stuff" in Cloth Paper Scissor and the work of Beryl Taylor. This year, my goal is to make at least six projects.
8. Textile decoration: dye fabric, surface design, art cloth, embellish
9. Maintain sketchbook
10. Inventory, photograph, and catalog all finished pieces.
Focus... oh, I hope so!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
in the mail...
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6:06 PM
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Oh my! That is some list of goals. Thing is I know you will do it and I shall enjoy watching you ;0)
Mags' page is great.
WOW! You are going to be busy! I'm going to enjoy seeing everything that you do.
You are feeling so energetic! I'll enjoy watching your year.
That is a fabulous page from Mags. That's also an impressive list for 2008. I know you'll pull it off. Happy New Year!
Wow! I love the way you reason through your goals each year and then get right down to the part where you accomplish them.
HOley Moley! that's quite a list. I have my list in draft and after looking at yours I may need to "borrow" some of your ideas. I too love the Mixed media stuff and the dolls have been calling to me. May need to add them too!!
Good luck with your goals and Happy new Year!
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