Thursday, January 03, 2008

Change, Change , Change

There must be something wrong with my brain neurons. Yesterday, I could not for the life of me get "Fun, Fun, Fun" out of my head. Today, my head is filled with the melody of Aretha Franklin's Chain of Fools, only the words are coming out "change, change, change, change of fools." I really would like CNN to count how many times ALL the candidates for the presidency used the word change.

Note to self: Do not turn on the TV until 2009!

Take a breath and remember I'm focusing on living consciously -

Today's lesson is that I am 100% responsible for my journey in life. I understand if I play the victim that I erode my ability to maintain healthy responsibility. The task is to mount a vigilant search for ways in which I think like a victim. Eliminate them and strive to live with integrity, make and keep agreements, and own it... really easy! Until the mess in the kitchen piles up and nobody can bother to sweep up the dog hairs and neighbors cat is caterwauling for the sixth night in a row at 4am and -

we'll have fun, fun, fun... Tally Ho!


Debra Dixon said...

That's the only problem with those kinds of books--easy to read and harder to do. . .Keep on trying. I am stopping by more often just to read your responses.

Donna said...

wonderful lesson for the day -- daunting, but well worth learning even in a limited way! :-)

Unknown said...

Are you really not going to turn on the TV until 2009???