Tuesday, January 29, 2008

First Pair of 2008

I finished my January socks> I also made another swatch, this was the "Linen Stitch." In the knitting encyclopedia that I'm using there are twelve woven stitch patterns - I'm not sure why I started with these but three down, nine to go. I'm enjoying the knitting but I had underestimated how much time it consumes and what that means... lots of sitting!

I'm starting to lose my patience with the ice and snow on the roads.

Living consciously...

The reading today focused on making and keeping agreements. Much of the previous reading has carried soul-level commitments as a central theme that I got a little confused when the practice was to list the agreements you failed to keep with other people during the last week. It's easier for me to list agreements I fail to keep with myself! I try not to make agreements with others unless I know I'm committed to keeping them. I seem to trip up on the me, myself and I agreements.

1 comment:

Alis Clair said...

Love your socks!
I have just finished my very first pair - quite addictive I think.