Monday, January 07, 2008

TIF some more

I don't know if I can do all the Take it Forward Challenges out of my scrap box but at least I've opened it up and managed to find most of the fabric I needed. I took a couple of the sketches I did yesterday and attempted to reproduce the design in fabric. These are NOT colors that inspire me - unless I was going to create a few irises. I'm still uncertain where to go next with this... I keep waiting for that ah ha moment to strike but so far nothing. I guess I'll just keep playing with the colors and make more fabric squares.

Living consciously...

The author talked about a painful breakup and how he hid away, nursing a wounded heart. The practice for the day was to ask questions regarding "hiding": what, from who, what payoff, what cost?

I'm trying not to be cynical. (Miss Scarlet in the study with the pipe.) Maybe twenty years ago I was hiding truths from myself and others but now I try to live an open, candid, transparent life. It doesn't mean I tell everybody, everything, all the time but those that need to know, know.

But in the spirit of let's play the game, I'll go back to "fun" and the idea that perhaps I'm hiding it from myself. The payoff... hmmm. I can entertain myself for hours, happily engaged in a plethora of activities from reading, playing music, working in the studio, to even bringing order to the house. But, I suppose that in the venue of shared fun or play with others I'm not particularly emotive. Although I did have a friend ask me "how many glasses of wine have you had?" - I hadn't, but I guess I was acting a little more playful than usual! Probably the payoff comes with the couple yin-yang balance, the husband is more the have fun/play first and I balance with responsibility/play later. So, I suppose the cost is the battle we have about "playing" and the time it takes me to relax and get around to "play" (after all the chores are done!)
hmmm... maybe I'm hiding from spontaneity?

I think it's time for wine & scrabble.

Tally Ho.


Debra Dixon said...

Not terribly fond of the color scheme either but in the spirit of the piece will do what I can with it.

You'll have to drop by and read my post on Scrabble and frustration--not much fun that day! I believe you and I have fun in similiar ways.

Jacqui said...

You might not feel you are inspired by the colours but going by your work, you most definitely are.

Donna said...

while inspiration may not have struck I do like the plaid like piece you've created so far... reminds me of my school uniform back in high school that was a tartan quilt in green

McIrish Annie said...

I like the plaid also. My DH is the "playful" one also, I do the housework. LOL

Hiding from spontaneity, hmmm?? I'm going to ponder that