Monday, February 14, 2011

e alla fine qualcosa di buonissimo!

I figure I need a little more practice working with stencils so I thought I'd take the opportunity to practice and work on a weekly. I'm not sure where this is going yet but this is the start.

I'll use paintstik - something that will stand up against the dark fabric - and then work some other surface design techniques to build the rest of the design.

I spent (way too much) time today surfing around looking at blogs and other interesting web "stuff".

e alla fine qualcosa di buonissimo! (last but not least something yummy!)
Then I made cupcakes for the husband. We had a steak, arugula, and blue cheese salad for dinner with a lovely 2004 Borolo Marcenasco.

Happy Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Rian said...

I have been following your progress with the stencils. Interesting...and yes, one can spend way too much time poking in the nooks and crannies of the 'net looking for "stuff."