Thursday, March 03, 2011

doodle, peaches, and smiles

Finally had a chance to get into the studio and take a picture of February's Doodle Calendar- it nearly felt like a creative intervention. Sigh... Maye I'll get a couple of hours tomorrow.

and 3 beautiful things:
  1. A friend brought over a peach crisp. Lovely. Happy day.
  2. I was expecting a call at 3pm. Unbelievably, the cable of the land line phone was cut and impacted phone service to the entire neighbor. I was pleasantly surprised when my cell phone rang at 3:05p - my friend assumed something was wrong and called me on my cell home. Smile. Talked for a couple of hours. Still Smiling.
  3. Husband doing well, daughter's pain subsiding and she feels confident driving the Mini... life is beautiful.


Sandra said...

Are you focusing more on individual symbols for your calendar this year? Or am I remembering last years wrong? Glad you got a bit of play time in.

Kim said...

Your memory is fine. I am focusing more on creating an abstract symbol for each day based on something that happened during the day. Who knows where it will lead...