Wednesday, March 02, 2011

to rant or not to

It's been one of those days. I finally had to take a deep breath and go sit quietly in my room. Alone.

I'm use to having the house to myself during the weekdays and even though I was prepared to be home with Dave while he recovers, the "be with" time got just a little overwhelming. The cooling unit that keeps his shoulder cooled is eating up ice faster than he thought it would. So, off to the store to buy huge bags of ice (and a few bulk items for the pantry). Could he have stayed home? Yes. Did he? Of course not.

Back home, I was starting to reorganize the pantry to accommodate the new foods when I notice that things didn't sound right with the refrigerator. Isn't it ironic that the refrigerator would pick today to stop making ice. Not only stop making ice but the waterline came off the back of the refrigerator and water was leaking for hours. We then worked together to debug the problem and ultimately fixed it.

The whole day felt as if I was taking one step forward and three back. I've got plans to implement several changes this month and have put myself on a fairly aggressive schedule to get things done. Oh, silly me.
"Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied with drawbacks and discomfort." ~ Arnold Bennett
Okay, moving on.
and 3 beautiful things:

  1. Watched this TEDtalk - Brene Brown on vulnerability (recommended by Heather.)
  2. Oops, I did it again. I'm ordering another book. This time, The Artful Bird by Abby Glassenberg. I didn't think I wanted to make soft toys.
  3. Searched the library looking for vegan cookbooks. Most of the ones I wanted were already checked out, but I did request a hold on a few. Later I came across this recipe for Olive Lentil burgers  - cool.


Sandra said...

Hoping today is smoother for you both. Those artful birds would be such cheery little things sitting here and there around the house, wouldn't they?

Beverly said...

I'm hoping it gets better from here, and that Dave heals quickly.