Tuesday, March 01, 2011

waiting... Godot never comes

I had lots of time to sit and wait today. I took Dave to the hospital at 8am and brought him home at 2:45pm (swinging by pharmacy to pick his pain meds.) While he was having surgery on his shoulder, I surfed and surfed the interwebs. It wasn't a total waste of time but, geez, everybody has I blog... I know, I know, I'm also among the hackneyed masses. In general, I limit my computer time to an hour for visiting a few select blogs, reading, commenting and writing my own blog post. Some folks out there must be spending hours and hours and hours - I don't know where they get the time... I hope they've at least  found a way to generate some income from it!

and 3BT:

  1. I thought this was sweet - made me smile - Becky Adams.
  2. Dave put the trash and recycling out before his surgery - a day early! Even if it wasn't for me, I'm happy he dealt with it.
  3. It didn't rain on us today!


Sandra said...

It would be interesting to hear a daily running total of the number of blogs in blogosphere, wouldn't it. Hope your husband's recovery is quick and painless.

Rian said...

I hope Dave has a speedy recovery. Not fun, I'm sure.