Tuesday, December 04, 2007

25 Kislev 5768

Earthrise wk49-07

I took a moment, actually almost two hours, to sit and play with the embellisher this afternoon. I thought I'd might as well work on this week's collage as well. The theme this month is "A View from Space" and since I've always like the image of the earth rising above the horizon of the moon, I decided to give it a try. I am really surprised at how easy it was. I'm a little intimidated by the needles and the speed - kept wondering when I would break the needles. with only three more weeklies to finish off this year, I'm do believe I'll continue "playing" with the embellisher.

Wine Cozies

I (finally) got these felted - I washed them three times in hot water on the quick cycle (28 minutes) with three towels and hoped for the best. Gone are the days that I can lift up the lid and pick the piece out of an agitating machine! I like my front load energy efficient washer and dryer but occasionally, it would be nice to have an old machine for textile work.

First night of Hanukkah tonight.

This is the first time we are home to kindle the lights without either one of the girls to help. Hanukkah is early this year but I noticed in 2010 we'll be kindling the lights starting on Dec 1st!

Happy Hanukkah, girls! (Let's plan latkes on the last night when "everyone" is back in town!)


Anonymous said...

Happy Hanukkah!

It does feel very early this year. I think I'll try to make it over by dark on Friday, if you guys are willing to have me (and probably Dev) over for dinner, so that I can help light.

--one of the girls

His Office, My Studio said...

Happy Hanukkah to you and your family!!! I love your menorah.

Tonight we waited until 7pm to light the menorah because our older son was coming home from school. This is the first time in three years he will be home for Hanukkah. We will be getting together with family on Saturday for latkes and I can't wait.

Vicki W said...

Your embellisher piece is really nice and I love the wine cozies! Very cool!

Micki said...

Happy Hanukkah!

Your first embellisher piece is really great. Can't wait to see more.

Françoise said...

Lovely piece! It looks like you and your embellisher are good friends already. Looking forward to seeing the next piece.

Terri Stegmiller said...

Love those wine cozies!

Alis Clair said...

Great work Kim.
I love the earth rising too - would love to see it for real one day.

Love the wine cozies. I was thinking about my old top loader the other day and how useful it would be for felting ;0)

Granny Fran said...

I love your "View From Space". Your Earth absolutely glows.

Happy Hanukkah!