Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Knit time

I decided to knit a pair of socks every month this year. I'm starting with a simple sock out of Cat Bordhi's Socks Soar on Two Circular Needles. My hands haven't quite got back into the habit and my tension is okay but not as good as I want. I knit using the continental method and I'm finding that my little finger is NOT paying attention. By the time I make it through the second sock I think I'll be fine.

Living consciously...

Got up this morning with the intention of just having fun. Although it remained cold the sun did come out so the house was bright. The practice today was one of basically 'active listening' for accuracy and feeling. The key is to listen, avoiding giving advice or opinions, and allow the speaker to bring forth their own wisdom.

So, me and dog for most of the day followed by some time with the husband. Awful quiet around here!


Donna said...

If your socks need a home I'd be happy to oblige :-)

DebbyMc said...

I want to try some socks...so far I'm a scarf knitter =-) With a few purses thrown in here and there...My sister gave me a sock book for Christmas, I should get it out and try some...but I'm a little scared =-)

Debra Dixon said...

Dogs aren't very forthcoming with opinions at my house unless it's dinner time. Should be an easy day for you!