Saturday, March 22, 2008

Domestic Arts

I re-vamped my cleaning schedule this last week. Years ago I adopted FlyLady's plan to divide the house into zones and spend time each week deep cleaning and de-cluttering those zones. I've de-cluttered lots but yes, I still want to see more to get rid of. I changed my zones from five to thirteen and using Google Calendars set up what needs to be done when. In a year's time each area will have my undivided attention four times and that will be plenty. I still need to add seasonal chores and assorted odd tasks to the calendar.

Menu Week 13 -
Sat: Chicken Curry and rice
Sun: Lasagna and salad
Mon: Hot & Soup soup
Tue: Leftovers
Wed: Roast chicken with cherry tomatoes and asparagus
Thu: Pan roasted Salmon with broccoli and anchovy-rosemary sauce
Fri: Pizza (...changed this 3/29 to Pasta with Sausage, green beans)

I'm trying two new recipes out of Jamie Oliver's Cook with Jamie on Wednesday and Thursday. The chicken dish is simple - toss everything together and bake in a 400F oven for half an hour - sweet! I usually baked or grill salmon, but I think I can handle pan roasting. I'm intrigued by the sauce... will it be too salty?

Living consciously...

Any practice that starts with "Think back to your adolescence..." does not have my full attention! I am so over my own adolescence and I've nearly recovered from my children's adolescences - and they are both good kids.

Learning to strike a balance in having relationships and maintaining your own autonomy is a lifelong adventure. My favorite part of the reading today was the quote:

Character building begins in infancy, and continues until death. - Eleanor Roosevelt


jenclair said...

I usually feel as if I've done enough after the "27 thing fling"! I think I have a unique form of ADD...on things that aren't much fun.

Wish I could plan a week's menu and stick to it, but that never happens.

Sharon Tomlinson said...

Once upon a time I did the flylady zone thing. I so wish I could get back to it. I have even thought about posting something in my sidebar like my schedule thinking it might motivate me. Maybe I should rezone too.
Oh yes, love the dog socks. Maybe he just wants them squinched down too.