Thursday, June 12, 2008

May Journal Quilt

I was straightening up the studio today - otherwise known ass creative avoidance - when I ran across the face template I've used in several pieces. Then I came across a piece of fabric. I really just wanted to showcase the background fabric and not do too much else. Just what I needed: simple, quick and done.

Living consciousluy...

Another one of those practices of how I was treated as a child that is suppose to help me understand how it carries over to adulthood. Just not going there. I can barely remember the past and it doesn't have much to do with my current reality. My focus is to try to be as open and transparent as I can be - learning my own truth and taking care of myself. I'm not going to waste time even thinking about 'living in fear'...

No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try. ~ Yoda, Episode V, The Empire Strikes Back.

1 comment:

jenclair said...

How mysterious this piece turned out! Love the way the features glow against the fabric.