Saturday, August 02, 2008

He's back!

One of those pleasantly slow days. Spouse is home from his biking adventure - out of ten he gave it an eight. It's good to have him home!

This picture was taken at one of the campground -- looks like the sign been there for some time.

Living consciously...

Hendrick writes that fun gets a "bad rap" and suggests checking the dictionary to decide which "fun" works for you then building it in to your day's journey.

My "fun" seeking tends to be in activities that I do for enjoyment or amusement -- they don't usually involve giggling or laughter. I do think that there is a mirth or whimsical quality that I would like to express more. I am feeling more comfortable with how I see myself and "fun" -- sometimes it's just a matter of thinking less and letting go.

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