Monday, November 10, 2008

back to the journal

Knitting still... but I also got back to my journal after a two week respite. I've missed the activity of working in the journal but I couldn't figure out why. It was funny, but within just a few moments I felt like I was connecting again to a 'creative' thinking. (hmmm... I wonder if it will feel the same tomorrow.)

Living consciously...

I have one request: may I never use my reason against truth. ~ Elie Wiesel

Must say that I like the above quotation. The practice today focuses on understanding the role you play when you feel someone has hurt you. It hard for me to put my hurt feelings on the same page with the 'hurt' that Wiesel survived. As he wrote 'the experience of the camps defies comprehension' whereas my hurt feelings can easily be cleared up by engaging in being more aware of my own perceptions and understanding.

1 comment:

jenclair said...

Glad to see the journal pages again!