Friday, February 04, 2011

a good day

It was a lovely day. Started with my ritual Friday Breakfast with the girls, ran a few errands, and then took myself to an afternoon movie to see The King's Speech. What an excellent film! Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush were wonderful, brilliant! Toward the end when George VI (Firth) is speaking to the British Empire on BBC radio announcing Britain's entry into WWII and the allegretto from Beethoven's 7th playing in the background - I had tears streaming down my face, it was so powerful. I got home and quilted the two weeklies above. I was having a wonderful day - right up to the moment that Dave told me he wouldn't be able to drive for 6 weeks after his surgery to fix a labral tear (scheduled for March 1st.) He started talking about pain meds and I asked, seriously, if as his wife I could also have some pain meds during the first couple of weeks!

I like living in a small town. Years ago, I complained about the lack of restaurants and particular 'grocery' stores. Happily, the number and quality of the restaurants has improved and, now, Trader Joe's, Market of Choice, and the two Coop's satisfy my grocery needs. In the last twenty-four hours, I discovered three new things about Corvallis and the creativity of the people who live here.

Dave and I went to a hard cider tasting at Corvallis Brewing Supply. As we walked in the door, Aruna was there providing samples of her Athiba chutneys - Yum - only sold locally (right now). We fought the crowds to get to the back of the store to find 2 Towns Cider House, one of the owners is the son of friends we've known since our kids were in Montessori together. At breakfast this morning, my friend pulls out this book (that I just read about at skitter skatter knitting) and ask if I'd seen it. I had checked and it wasn't available at Amazon. But since JC Briar is a local author, the book is available in town and so I got one! Life is Good!

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