Sunday, February 20, 2011

hearts and other things

I continued to work on the hearts. I have them all chained together, twenty in all, a little over six feet in length.
I'm planning to sew on some beads tomorrow. I was inspired by the heart garland at Skip to my Lou and the heart garland at Suzies Stuff. Next, the Shamrock garland... nay, don't think so. 

and now, 3BT:
  1. Getting up early to give my daughter a kiss goodbye after her ~36 hr visit home. She asked if I was awake - barely. Her father went back to bed.
  2. Tried  two new meatloaf recipes out of the new Fine Cooking magazine: Indian-spiced and Spicy-southwestern. Most of the meatloaf will end up in the freezer and get pulled out on the I-am-not-in-the-mood-to-fix-dinner days. (yay!!)
  3. Having one of my favorite cocktails, a Negroni while the meatloaf cooks.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

The meatloafs both look really yummy. I do that with meatloaf now and then too. It's pretty good warmed up.